Wednesday 12 June 2013

Mobile Marketing Trends For 2013 and 2014

Mobile Advertising Trends

Marketing has become such a great way to advertise important business services. But this has increased over the years with the use of mobile devices to market specific products or services. This has become a world wide trend recently, and is growing on leaps and bounds. People of the world are always on their cell phones, and that's why mobile marketing is a great way for a company to boost their sales. No longer are computers needed for researching a specific mobile products or services, this is because it can be accomplished from a cell phone or a tablet.

Mobile Trends For 2013

Mobile advertising has become such a trendy way to promote your products and services. This is why mobile marketing trends for 2013 are going to be such an interesting, and surprising prospect for a lot of major businesses. One of the devices that can be used for marketing, will be the new and upcoming tablets, such as the iPad mini, and of course galaxy is always coming up with something new, there is such a large amount of great devices that our out on the market, and can also be used for marketing as well.


Cloud services has become an amazing tool to get marketing work done quickly, and securely. Cloud is a great marketing tool, this is because cloud computing is used for the selling of hosted services like, application service provisioning which run certain client server software, and at a general remote location.

Paying By Mobile

Mobile payments are one of the popular trends for 2013, because it is so convenient for potential customers to purchase services, or items from their phone, or iPads, which can be done by a mobile payment feature. This ever increasing mobile feature is going to get greater and greater, especially with privacy matters.

Mobile Marketing Trends For 2014
Smart phones seem to be dominating the mobile market, and by the time 2015 arrives they should be in the mobile lead. Also a large number of popular companies such as blackberry will be creating there very own tablets to compete with the IPad which can increase mobile adverting as well.

Social Networking

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and the like, have become very accessible on mobile devices such as the cell phone, or tablet. Because of this a large number of Facebook users access it from their cell phones instead of their computers. Which is great for anyone who is not in contact with their computer continuously. Social Network sites are notorious for advertising, so it is a fantastic place for the marketeers. In the year of 2014 this should increase even more at an enormous rate.

People love their cell phones, its hard to find a person who doesn't have one, everywhere you look they have one in their hands, or up to there ears. This is the very reason that mobile marketing is increasing, and successfully achieving sales for their products or services. Mobile advertising is estimated to keep growing and growing for years to come.